掺进.01 -
掺进 (v.)
ARG0-agent: agent/cause
ARG1-theme: entity arg0 adds
ARG2-location: entity arg1 is added to and mixed with
ARG1-theme: entity arg0 adds
ARG2-location: entity arg1 is added to and mixed with
(IP (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *pro*)) (VP (VP (IP-ADV (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *PRO*)) (VP (VV 掺进) (LCP-OBJ (NP (NN 衣物)) (LC 中)))) (VP (VV 可以) (VP (VV 抗菌) (VV 防霉) (CC 兼) (VV 除臭)))) (PU ,) (VP (ADVP (AD 还)) (VP (VV 可以) (VP (VV 用来) (IP-OBJ (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *PRO*)) (VP (VP (VV 遮蔽) (NP-OBJ (NN 烫伤) (NN 伤口))) (PU ,) (VP (ADVP (AD 一面)) (VP (VV 消炎))) (PU ,) (VP (ADVP (AD 一面)) (VP (VV 促进) (NP-OBJ (NN 组织) (NN 再生))))))))))) arg1: *PRO* arg2: 衣物 中
(IP (NP-SBJ (QP (CD 一) (CLP (M 块))) (NP (NN 布))) (VP (IP-ADV (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *PRO*)) (VP (ADVP (AD 只要)) (VP (VV 掺进) (QP-OBJ (DNP (QP (CD 百分之十五) (CC 到) (CD 二十)) (DEG 的)) (QP (NP (NN 尼龙)) (QP (CD 六六))))))) (PU ,) (ADVP (AD 就)) (VP (VV 可以) (VP (VV 脱胎换骨))))) arg1: 百分之十五 到 二十 的 尼龙 六六 arg2: *PRO* argm: 只要