改铺.01 -
改铺 (v.)
ARG0-agent: agent/cause
ARG1-prd: entity arg0 paves
ARG2-instrt: thing arg1 is paved with (replacing the old pavement)
ARG1-prd: entity arg0 paves
ARG2-instrt: thing arg1 is paved with (replacing the old pavement)
(IP (ADVP (AD 於是)) (PU ,) (PP-TMP (P 当) (LCP (IP (NP-SBJ (NN 乡公所)) (VP (VV 要) (VP (VP (BA 将) (IP-OBJ (NP-SBJ (LCP (NP (NP-PN (NR 秀峦) (NN 公园)) (NP-PN (NR 百段坡))) (LC 上)) (CP (WHNP-2 (-NONE- *OP*)) (CP (IP (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *T*-2)) (VP (VV 旧有))) (DEC 的))) (NP (NN 石头))) (VP (VV 挖掉)))) (PU ,) (VP (VV 改铺) (NP-OBJ (CP (WHNP-1 (-NONE- *OP*)) (CP (IP (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *pro*)) (VP (VV 进口) (NP-OBJ (-NONE- *T*-1)))) (DEC 的))) (NP (NN 石头))))))) (LC 时))) (PU ,) (NP-SBJ (NN 乡民)) (VP (ADVP (AD 便)) (VP (VV 出面) (IP-OBJ (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *PRO*)) (VP (VV 争取) (IP-OBJ (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *PRO*)) (VP (VV 保留) (NP-OBJ (NN 原貌))))))))) arg0: 乡公所 arg2: *OP* *pro* 进口 *T*-1 的 石头