无话可说.01 -
无话可说 (v.)
ARG0-endurer: entity described
ARG1-reason: entity arg0 has nothing to say about
ARG2-tar: entity arg0 has nothing to say to
ARG1-reason: entity arg0 has nothing to say about
ARG2-tar: entity arg0 has nothing to say to
(IP (NP-SBJ (PN 我)) (VP (PP-ADV (P 除了) (NP (DNP (PP (P 对) (NP (NP (PN 其)) (NP (NN 精神)))) (DEG 的)) (NP (NN 叹服)))) (PU ,) (ADVP (AD 实在)) (VP (VV 无话可说)))) arg0: 我 argm: 实在 argm: 除了 对 其 精神 的 叹服