腌上.01 -
腌上 (v.)
ARG0-agent: agent
ARG1-patient: thing arg0 preserves in slat
ARG2-amount: length of time arg1 is preserved in salt
ARG1-patient: thing arg0 preserves in slat
ARG2-amount: length of time arg1 is preserved in salt
(IP (PP-MNR (P 除了) (LCP (IP (NP-SBJ (NN 香料)) (VP (VV 用) (DER 得) (VP-EXT (VV 讲究)))) (LC 外))) (PU ,) (PP-PRP (P 为) (IP (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *PRO*)) (VP (VV 使) (NP-OBJ (PN 其)) (IP (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *PRO*)) (VP (VV 入味)))))) (PU ,) (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *pro*)) (VP (ADVP (AD 还)) (VP (VV 要) (VP (VP (VV 密封) (PP (P 在) (LCP (NP (NN 水缸)) (LC 里)))) (VP (VV 腌上) (QP-OBJ (CD 六) (CLP (M 天)))))))) arg1: *pro* arg2: 六 天 argm: 还 argm: 为 *PRO* 使 其 *PRO* 入味 argm: 除了 香料 用 得 讲究 外