连系.01 -
连系 (v.)
ARG0-agent: agent
ARG1-theme: patient
ARG2-instrt: thing with which arg0 ties arg1 together
ARG1-theme: patient
ARG2-instrt: thing with which arg0 ties arg1 together
(IP (ADVP (AD 再)) (DVP (IP (NP-SBJ (DP (DT 每) (QP (CD 十) (CLP (M 个)))) (QP (NP (NN 人)))) (VP (VV 成) (QP-OBJ (CD 一) (CLP (M 串))))) (DEV 地)) (NP-SBJ (NN 腰际)) (VP (LB 被) (IP-OBJ (NP-SBJ (QP (CD 一) (CLP (M 条))) (NP (NN 麻绳))) (VP (VP (VV 捆绑) (AS 著)) (VP (VV 连系)))))) arg2: 一 条 麻绳 argm: 腰际 argm: 每 十 个 人 成 一 串 地 argm: 再